Thursday, April 22, 2010

What is the effect of comparing a ship on the horizon to a man's dream?

What is the effect of comparing a ship on the horizon to a man's dream?

When you think of a horizon, you think of that imaginary border that lies far out acrossed oceans or land that you can try your hardest to chase but can never reach. It is impossible to touch the horizon. Comparing a mans dream to a ship on the horizon is basically saying that men dream the impossible alot of times and expect for them to actually happen without working at it. Sometimes if a man is lucky, the dreams that are out on that boat on the horizon might just drift ashore but that is only because the man makes the attempt to make the dream a reality. This was a very creative way of explaining how men dream. For example, when I dream of doing something important in my life, I dream big, and that is what alot of men do. Men have been having big dreams since childhood and either stick with it and fulfill it or lose hope and give up on the dream. Either that tide will bring the ship to you from the horizon or the ship will stay right where it is forever. This comparison of a horizon to a man's dream can be a good way to inspire men to go out a make their dreams happen and not hold back from what they have been chasing all their lives since childhood. This is also a stern, non-sugar coated way to say either you make something of your life or you will be another average american working minimum wage jobs while working two others on the side.

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