Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Their Eyes Were Watching God, Chapter 19

"And then again Him-with-the-square-toes had gone back to his house. He stood once more and again in his high flat house without sides to it and without a roof with his soulless sword standing upright in his hand. His pale white horse had galloped over waters, and thundered over land."(Hurston, 1937)

This quote talks about how the hurricane swept the Everglades and killed many people. The water washed through the community fiercely causing destruction all over, wrecking homes, killing animals, and threatening the lives of Tea Cake and Janie. By saying the pale horse galloped over waters, she was referring to death. Tea Cake and Janie underestimated the hurricane.

"look lak dey think God don't know nothin' 'bout de Jim Crow law."(Hurston, 1937)

When janie said this, she was saying that God knows everything that goes on in this world that he created including the poor treatment that blacks recieve from the whites. During this time, whites felt that they were superior to blacks and didn't treat them equally as they would on of their own. That is why they dumped the black bodies and gave the white bodies a casket.

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