Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Their Eyes Were Watching God, Chapter 1

"Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board."(Hurston, 1937)

To me this quote means that the things men dream or wish for are so far away that all we can do is watch them fade away from us. Our dreams look great far away but we never think about what is keeeping us from reaching that boat full of dreams. Men are seperated by a sea of discouragement and doubt.

"They don't need to worry about me and my overalls long as Ah still got nine hundred dollars in de bank."(Hurston, 1937)

With this quote Janie was saying that as long as she still has her money in the bank, she knows who she is and it doesn't matter to her what other people think of her because they aren't doing anything to support her in her life. They just want to bring her down with their words. They don't know what she has been through in her life.

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