Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What is the DNA of survival?

I thought to myself about what the true DNA of survival is and came of with a few things that I believe it consists of. I believe that in order to survive in this world, there are many things that are needed. Rather than listing everything that goes into survival in society I narrowed things down to four major elements. They are persistency, confidence, and kindness. with these elements in mind, there is no doubt that a person can survive in this world without struggle. There are many reasons as to why I chose these things. The first element is persistency. When you set goals for yourself and have certain dreams, you must keep going through with them and always try and accomplish them because this shows hard work and determination. Life takes work and with today's society, you need to be persistent and work hard. if a person doesn't show persistancy, they will quit everything they start. Lack of persistency means a lack of commitment and not being committed looks pretty bad. The only way to get a dream fulfilled is if you keep working at it. the next element is confidence and everyone should have this before going into the real world. Confidence should start early so that it can build within. Having confidence is great because it ensures that you as a person are not afraid to go out and make things happen for yourself. when you are confident, you keep a positive mindset and know that you can accomplish your goals. if you don't have confidence, you can't believe in yourself and this is not good. Last is kindness. it is good to have persistency and confidence but you should not be vain and you should not be unfriendly. Alot of good thing can come from being kind to the right people. The next person you are kind to just might be the person who can help you accomplish your goals and help your future. Sometimes being successful and surving means making connections with the right people and this takes kindness. you always want to have a good network of people that will help you out in life and this is needed because your parents will not always be able to look out for you.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

How can forward thinking help me make better decisions?

Forward thinking is the best way to prepare for anything and that is a guarantee. Thinking about things before hand is how you stay ahead of everyone else and think things through before you actually make final decisions. Forward thinking should always be done in any situation. Thinking ahead shows that you are careful and you want to make only the right decision. You should never do anything without thinking about it first and this applies to almost everything. Mistakes can be made as a result of not thinking things through. Good decision can be made after going through a procedural thought process.
Have you ever wondered why so many people make the same mistakes all the time? The reason is because people don't think about thing before they acually do it. This is why people who go to jail repeatedly can't do right. Using your mind can help you greatly and is the greatest gift you could possibly have. If you don't use it then you won't make very good choices in life. Using your mind to think forward is the only way you can get places in life anyway. If you can spend time thinking about how to make the wrong choices, you can spend just as much time thinking about how to make the right ones. This just proves exactly how easy it is to thing ahead so that the decisions you make are wise ones. There really isn't any excuse why the same mistakes are made over and over by anyone if you have the opportunity to think ahead.

When is loyalty to myself more important than loyalty to a friend?

There can be many circumstances in which loyalty to self is more important than loyalty to others. Usually those kind of circumstances are ones that involve making smart choices and being strong willed. Even though showing loyalty to others is good, they ultimately are not the ones to answer to at the end of the day unless they are your parents or God. If a person feels that they are obligated to show loyalty to friends then they are wrong because they don't have power over you and if you do show loyalty then it is by choice not by obligation. Many people make mistakes because they feel they must show loyalty to their friend or a group of friends.
One certain kind of situation where loyalty to self is more important than loyalty to others is, for example, if your goal is to maintain focus on school and grades but you recently told your significant other that you would go out with them for dinner. Some may feel that they have to go to dinner because they don't want to hurt their relationship. Others who have good work ethic and have their priorities in order would make the right decision to focus on school and stay home and study. The person who is loyal to themself is the one that is focused and chooses to stay home and go over school work. There are also situations where loyalty to others is more importantbut the truth of this is that noone has to be loyal to anyone because we have a choice.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Why did Shakespeare’s plays appeal to “groundlings, royals, and everyone in between? What elements assisted him in doing that?

The plays of William Shakespeare appealed to the Groundlings, Royals and everyone else because it was during the time of the Renaissance where creativity and new forms of art was brewing. People who watched Shakespeares plays could relate to them because they were based on the era that they lived in. Also alot of Shakespeare's plays mimicked Englands history and the lifestyle tht it had during the times of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. The audience enjoyed the plays because it touched different aspects of their time such as monarchy, chivalry, and feudalism. The way people veiwed plays is similar to the way we view movies that depict historical events or even movies that take place in modern times.
Shakespeare had the elements of history and also current events to assist him in his play-writing. The renaissance was an interesting time period also and because of this, William had tons of inspiration and sources to come up with his stories. Almost all of Shakespeares plays take place during the times of the Renaissance or the Medieval times and this also gives some clues as to where all of his ideas came from. He must have thought that people would be alot more interested in things that they could relate to. That being the whole "chivalrous knights in shining armor/King and Queen" theme.
if we look at plays and movies now we see that many are about Shakespeares's plays and other historic events. There are many movies and plays now that are based on or set in the Renaissance or Medieval era. This means that for every generation of people, we find more interest in what took place in the past. We take more interest in the past because it was almost like the early stages or beginning of something. This one fact leaves our minds full of wonder and gave us the belief that during that time there were vast possibilities of things that could happen.

Queen Elizabeth I was the unwanted child of Henry VIII.. Why?

During the rule of King Henry VIII, he was known for having very little sympathy for anyone and he aslso was known for having many wives. When Henry was married to Ann Boleyn, they had Elizabeth I. She had been born into a very bad family and heir to a very violent king. When Elizabeth was only two years of age, King Henry had beheaded her mother. This was not the right kind of envornment for Elizabeth to grow up in.
It was known that for years, Henry had wanted a son born after him to take on the throne and this did not really help Elizabeth at all because she was the complete opposite. Also during the time there was conflict between two religious groups. The two groups were the protestants and the Roman Catholics. Because Henry was Roman Catholic and Elizabeth was a Protestant, Henry did not favor Elizabeth one bit. She was called by many, "The Illegitamate Child of Henry VIII".
Eventually Henry stopped being Roman Catholic when he was not allowed to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon. He then formed the Church of England to make an attempt at uniting the two religious groups. Eventually Henry VIII's dislike for Elizabeth did not matter because after Mary, his first child to his previous wife, died during her reign due to an illness, Elizabeth I then became Queen of England. The period in which Elizabeth ruled England was called "The Golden Age". She made many great accomplishments in her lifetime.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Which decisions I make today will affect me for my entire life?

I think that the decisions that I make in high school are the most important and will affect me the most in my life. The decisions I make now are crucial to my future because i am very close to becoming a college student. next year i will be in the 12th grade making me a senior which is one step closer to becoming independant and on my own. i have many goals for myself so that i can have a prosperous future and I have to make sure the things I do now are positive things because the decisions I make now will follow me into college which affects my success in college. I believe that any bad decisions that i make now will affect me the most for the rest of my life because for me, being an 11th grader is important and i can't afford to mess things up now.