Tuesday, November 9, 2010

English Portion of ACT

I feel that my only weaknesses when taking the english portion of the ACT were managing my time on questions and using the strategies that were provided. I feel tht if I was given more time to take the English portion that I would have a much better school I would also be able to better comprehend things without having to worry so much about time. I feel like whenever I take a practice ACT test, I am so concerned and focused on getting through the test with enough time that I forget to use the ACT strategies. I think that eventually I will remember to use these strategies when taking the test. They are very helpful and do make things easier. I hope to remember everything when I take the ACT in December.
My test score will be better because I have taken many ACT prep classes to help me. The things I learned in these classes were things to help me with time management and remembering things. These will really help me out alot. I also think that i could improve my score by answering question faster so that I can get through the test completely because it is not good to leave anything blank on the ACT. I want to get as many points as possible.
My strengths in this portion were definetly the pace of my reading and question answering. I answer questions as went along to save time so that I wouldnt have to read the whole passage then waste time going back over the passage again. This was very effective in my opinion. The Next time I take the ACT I will use the same strategy but I will include the strategie that will improve my score and help me answer questions accurately. I look forward to getting a much better score in the English section.

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