Friday, November 12, 2010

The ACT Test- Reading Portion

After taking the reading test I feel pretty confident about how I did. I used all the strategies I have learned. I love to read so reading the passages that were required in this section was no problem for me at all. I got through every reading passage quickly and answered every multiple choice question carefully as I was taught. I feel that there are only a couple of things I could work on to improve my score for the reading portion of the ACT.
I believe that my strengths when taking the ACT is my reading speed. I was able to get through every passage and complete the entire reading portion with no problem at all. I successfully analyzed and comprehended everything. The questions were actually pretty simple to me. I am confident that I did a great job and I feel that with more time, I would have done even better.
My only weakness with the reading portion was that I should have taken a little bit more time to fully understand some of the information that i read so that I would have to keep looking back to the passage. I should have put a little bit more thought into the questions and my answer to them. I don't think that this is a very big weakness but it did effect my chances of getting a higher score on the reading section. it is good to be able to point out your own strengths and weaknesses. Now that I found my own strengths and weakness I can now apply these things when I take the ACT again.

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